Thursday 5 June 2014

Re-Writing Dialogue - Nigel Conversation


SCOTT and DAN are in Scott's house talking about Nigel and the plan to bring the Catacombs to life. 

There is a plan to bring the Catacombs to life. I found out about this when I was talking to my friend Nigel earlier today. 

So what part do you play in this plan?

Scott gets up from his seat and checks that there is nobody around listening to the conversation. He then sits back down and speaks to Dan again.

This is a secret Dan. You can't tell anybody, I trust you. 

You can tell me things Scott, whats wrong?

You might remember a few years ago when I was not at work?

Yeah I didn't have a clue where you were! No contact, nothing! Where were you?

I was running a few tests in a lab with Nigel. One thing led to another in these tests and it turns out that they gave me super powers. 

That is insane, how am I meant to believe you? It makes no sense, is this how you can help with this plan?

Technically yes. With these powers we plan to bring the Catacombs to life, but you don't know about this. You cannot tell anybody, especially Nigel.

Dan looks shocked and doesn't know what to say. He gets up and paces up and down the room in front of Scott.

I want to know more about him.


Nigel, when did you meet him? 

The main reason I was not at work for them few days is because I was at an Armed Forces convention. He was there too, we got talking and had a lot in common. 

So it was there and then that he came up with this plan? Why does he want to do it anyway?

He has the same powers as me. I am the only person that knows. He got these powers from the same tests that he did on me a few years ago. He was serving for the army in Chernobyl and was made to do these tests, from which he gained the powers. He needed help, I could help him, thats how it worked out.

So you had no choice, he has dropped you in at the deep end?! I need to speak to him, this is madness. 

It was my choice. I told you that you don't know about these powers and not to tell Nigel, just leave it.

Scott storms out of the room and leaves Dan with his head in his hands. After a few seconds, Dan walks out after Scott and calls him.

Scott we need to talk more about this come on!

I know how you feel, just leave it like I said!

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