Monday 10 February 2014

Beat Sheet

This is how I will structure my story using the Blake Snyder beat sheet -

Project Title - The Catacombs are Alive
Genre - Superhero
Date - 10th February 2014

1. Opening Image (1) : The 2 main characters staring at a pile of bones on the floor underground in The Catacombs. The camera angle will show the emotions of both of the characters.

2. Theme Stated (5): Nigel wakes up and the opening image is seen as a dream in ways.

3. Set-up (1-10): We see that Nigel, the main character, lives alone and is widowed. His everyday life is shown to the audience and we get an insight into the main character and what he does everyday.

4. Catalyst (12): Nigel is at home and finds something strange in his garden. He goes outside to investigate and this thing (animal) jumps towards him and as he puts his hands out to save himself, a special power send the animal flying into the distance.

5. Debate (12-25): The days pass and Nigel wonders how to approach the situation and what to do about these special powers he has acquired. With no other choice, Nigel has to look online to see if there are any other stories that are similar to his. To his amazement, he finds a story from Scott. They meet up and discuss what is happening and sharing experience. They become great friends and discuss their mission.

6. Break into Two (25):

7. B Story (30): Throughout the weeks that followed, Nigel had some bad news. His son, in the army, had been killed in action and the mission has to be put on hold. Scott convinces him to keep himself busy by continuing with their mission.

8. Fun and Games (30-55): Nigel and Scott reveal their plan to the audience when they are discussing in private what they are going to do. During this period, Nigel and Scott take a couple of trips down to the Catacombs (underground private tunnels) to practice and experiments with their powers, only to discover that they had been doing damage that they had not realised. The trips to the Catacombs are interrupted a few times for Nigel and Scott to check on their plan and see how they are doing.

9. Midpoint (55): After one time down the Catacombs, Nigel and Scott go back to Nigel's house and finalise their plan, to bring the Catacombs to life.

10. Bad Guys Close In (55-75): On their next trip down to the Catacombs, they discover that their plan had already begun without them realising, the bones around the Catacombs had turned to skeletons and had come alive. The rest of this beat sees Nigel and Scott getting attacked and chased by the skeletons as the skeletons want to escape the Catacombs and the 2 main characters do everything in their power to stop them leaving.

11. All is Lost (75): Nigel (older character) is victim of the attack by the skeletons as Scott watches on helplessly from a few meters away. Nigel bleeds out after the skeletons are scared away by a noise from far away and Scott has a hard time dealing with his loss.

12. Dark night of the soul (75-85): Scott wants to avenge Nigel's death by ending the problem once and for all. He gets out of the Catacombs using powers and goes back to his house.

13. Break into Three (85): Whilst Scott is at his house, he decides on a plan to end the problem.

14. Finale (85-110): On his final trip to the Catacombs, Scott manages to use his powers to fight the Skeletons and blocks all entrances and exits to the area so that he can overpower the skeletons. Scott manages to break/kill all of the skeletons in the Catacombs and is left wandering around in the tunnels of bones.

15. Final Image (110): Younger of the 2 main characters walking past the same pile of bones as he did at the start, the camera will follow his movement until he passes the pile of bones and then zooms in on the pile as the character keeps walking away. The focus will move from the pile of bones to the character walking away in the background as the screen fades to black.

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