Wednesday 5 February 2014

Music Video - Evaluation

Evaluation - 

For my music video, I used the song On My Way by Charlie Brown. I used a Sony Z5 camera to film my footage and I used Final Cut Pro to edit my final video. Throughout this project I feel that my skills using this particular camera progressed very well and I am now confident at using this camera.

For this project, I was asked to create a music video. I completed this project on my own, therefore I was responsible for all parts of the project including storyboarding, filming, editing and all pre-production work.

The idea behind the music video was to show a mixture of different tempo's and length cuts to fit in with the song. I feel that throughout this project I used the speed of the song and my clips to make give the video more of an impact on the audience. During the slow parts of the songs I used longer clips and during the quicker parts of the song I used shorter clips. I also used some clips with the person performing singing.

I feel that overall my project went well. At the start of the project, I planned out how and when I would complete each task using my production schedule. Throughout the project I felt that I followed the production schedule well and this helped when I needed to check if I had completed tasks on time.

For my editing I used Final Cut Pro. I felt that I knew a lot about how things worked on the program and this made it very easy for me to do my editing. The editing did not take me too long and I am happy with the way the final product turned out. 

Strengths - 

During my production I felt that I managed my time well and also had a clear idea of what I needed to do before doing things. The main parts of my music video that I think turned out well were the parts when the main person was singing into the camera. Another thing that I was happy with during editing was the tempo of my clips, the lengths and especially the way the clips fitted in with lyrics. I felt that the majority of my clips were steady and looked professional. I also feel that my editing went smoothly with not many problems. 

Areas for development - 

Although my project ran fairly smoothly, there were also some areas for development. The main issue that I could have improved on was the amount of filming. I feel that although I had a lot of clips, some of them were not usable and therefore I had to repeat some clips due to lack of footage. In the future I can resolve this by checking my clips thoroughly and filming more clips. There were also some issues that were out of my control such as the availability of the camera. Due to the times that I could hire the camera, I did not have much time for filming. In the future I can resolve this by hiring the camera more in advance. I also could have followed my storyboards more because they do not match well with the finished product.

In conclusion, my project ran smoothly. From this project I learnt more about the camera and especially how much footage you need before you start editing. For my next project I feel that I could improve a couple of things, one of them being my lighting. I could do this by making sure that all of the clips have similar lighting because some of my clips were darker than others. 

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