Tuesday 8 October 2013

Proposal and Treatment

The idea that I am proposing is my fish out of water idea.

Intended audience - Young adults (16-25)
Working Title - Deserted Sailor
Concept - The concept of my film is a fish out of water film surrounding a sailor stranded in the desert after being kidnapped whilst sailing alone. 
Main sequences - My main sequences will include my main character (Rob) leaving his home and family early in the morning to go sailing whilst the sea was fairly empty. The next main sequence will show my main character out at sea sailing when he suddenly loses consciousness and starts drifting out to sea. He is then found by a group of 3 people and is taken away. The next part of the film will show the main character gain consciousness tied up in a seat, surrounded by the 3 people that have taken him. The main character is told what is happening and made unconscious by the 3 people that have kidnapped him. The next major part of the film is when my main character is dropped into the middle of the desert by his kidnappers and left with only enough supplies to last him the week, if he is in the desert any longer, he will not survive. The days pass and supplies are running very low when suddenly, my main character sees something in the distance, a shop and petrol station. He rushes to the shop and gets help. After this, his family are called, he is checked over and ends up living with his family again at home. 

Throughout the way through the desert, I will include flashbacks of what the main character saw during being kidnapped and being stranded. When I am showing the flashbacks, I will show them in slow motion and the camera will move around randomly to show that the main character does not have much energy and he is weak. I aim to make the flashbacks move around as if the camera is attached to the main characters head and is showing his movement; weak and tired.


Content - In my film, I have one main character that has a terrifying, life threatening journey across desert after being kidnapped following his collapse on his sailing boat.

Characters -
Rob (Main Character) - Rob is a 24 year old world champion sailor that just loves to sail.      
'The Hijackers' - The hijackers range from 30-35 years old, are professional fisherman and also part time hijackers.

Genre - Mystery/Drama

Plot - One day, Rob was having a normal morning. He woke up next to his wife, got out of bed, had breakfast and took some performance enhancing steroids before going out to go sailing. Rob recently won a world championship title in sailing and he is going to go practice out in the sea, almost on his doorstep. Once Rob arrived at the sea, he set up his sailing equipment and went out to sea. The sea was calm and nobody was around, the perfect conditions for sailing practice.

All was going well in the practice when suddenly Rob started feeling dizzy and weak due to the performance enhancing steroids. Shortly after, Rob fell unconscious and started drifting off to sea. After drifting further and further away, Rob and his boat floated into the path of a group of 3 friends on a fishing trip. The 3 friends decided to take advantage of the unconscious Rob and kidnap him.

The Hijackers took Rob to an abandoned warehouse on the coast, miles away from his home, and waited for him to regain consciousness. Once he was awake, they explained to him that he has been kidnapped and will be taken somewhere to survive on his own.

The Hijackers then knock out Rob once again and put him in a waiting helicopter. They will then proceed to fly to the middle of the desert and leave Rob with one week's supply of food and drink, a compass and a note to ensure he knows what is happening.

Rob then has a week to survive and escape from the desert. He walks for days and days on end trying to escape the humid, hot desert and he starts to get hungry and dizzy. The days pass and Rob keeps getting flashbacks of the kidnapping and the time before his blackout and then suddenly, in the distance, he sees a building. Using the last bit of energy that he had left, Rob runs towards the building shouting for help. He gets the attention of the shop owner and gets help using the shops telephone connection whilst getting an extra bit of food and drink. Rob then meets up with the rest of his family and goes about his daily life like normal.

Length - 10 mins

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