Tuesday 1 October 2013

Location Recce

Location Recce

For each time that you go filming, you will need to complete a Location Recce Checklist. A Location Recce Checklist helps you remember all you need to get or do before going filming. 

On the Checklist, there are many things that need to be considered - 

Things to Take
- Camera
- Mobile Phone
- Notebook, Pen, PDA
- Programme risk assessment form
- Maps/Directions - to ensure you do not get lost and that you get to your location on time.
- Student ID card - incase you need it.
- Brief - so that you know what you are doing.
- Checklist - So you don't forget what you need to remember.

Talking to People - 
- Confirm Ownership
- Exchange Details - So that the owner of the land you are using knows what is happening.
- Explain Intentions - So that the owner of the land knows exactly what is being filmed and how long for. 
- Discuss fees/contract - There may be fees or a contract needed when filming on private land.
- Editorial Policy
- Are passes required for your location? - You need to find this out otherwise you may not be able to use your intended location. 
- Availability of location and timings - You need to ensure that the location you are using is available when you need it.
- Local Events - You will not be able to use certain areas if there are any local events such as concerts etc. 
- Dress Code 
- Copyright Issues - You will have to deal with certain issues that may pop up for the area you are using and the surroundings. This could include finding out about names of shops or pubs that would need to be blurred out.
- Children's Details - You will need permission to film anybody under the age of 18. This may include having to sign release forms. 

- Landmarks for directions
- Neighbour Disturbance
- Risk of Trespass - You will need to check that the area you are filming in will not need any permission, if it does you will need to get permission. If you do not have permission to use the land you are filming on then that is trespassing. 
- Internal Access - You need to check that there is access for your equipment within your venue.
- Vehicle Access - There will need to be access for vehicles if you need any. 
- Toilets - Toilets will be needed if you have a long day. If there are no toilets and you have a long day, the cast and your crew may get annoyed and lose concentration.
- Traffic control needed? - If you are filming in a public place such as a road or motorway, you will need to think about whether you need a clear road and traffic control.
- Shelter - You will need to sort out shelter if you are filming outside. Having shelter will help if the weather turns bad for filming.
- Safety for hazardous environments - You need to make sure that the environment is safe for the actors and crew.
- Tidal Waters
- Boats/Safety

- Position of the sun - You will need to consider where the sun is for natural lighting levels during filming times.
- Window Direction - You may be getting reflections or glare that you do not want.
- Power Supply - There will need to be a power supply for all lighting and equipment.
- Size of Location - You will need to ensure that the location size is suitable for what you need to be filming.
- Strobing
- TV/Computer screens
- Is the floor level? - This is important especially for the camera man. If the floor is not level, the camera may have shaking problems or the equipment may not be able to be set up properly.
- Secure place for kit - You need to make sure that you have a place to safely keep kit.
- Cables - Check that all cables are safe and not tangled/hanging from the ceiling.
- Smoke Alarms/Sprinklers - There needs to be suitable safety in place. 

- Listen
- Traffic/Roadworks - Check if the road is clear to use if you need it.
- Aircraft
- Electrical Hazards - You will need to check for any electrical hazards around the area you are filming.
- Schools - You need to be aware if there will be any interruptions at certain times e.g lunchtimes.
- Weather - You will need to plan around the weather accordingly.
- Background Music/PA System
- Air Conditional/Fridges
- Wooden Floors 

Things for Director
- Take Photos
- GVs/Top Shots
- Cutaways
- Backgrounds
- Events
- Additional Contributors

- Eating
- Hotels

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