Monday 31 March 2014

Script 2

In other news, a local school has been put in special measures after their latest OFSTED report.

The Bromfords School in Grange Avenue, Wickford have started improvements around the school by hiring a new line up of management to raise standards and turn the school around. Part of the new staffing includes two new deputy heads and plans have also been made for a new permanent headteacher. Changes have also been made to the governors where a new chair and vice chair have been appointed to improve tracking and decision making throughout the school.

Since these changed have been made, improvements can already be seen. Now 73% of students entered in English exams at GCSE level passed with an A*-C grade. The school have also predicted that 63% of students will finish exams with 5 GCSE passes including English and Maths compared to an outcome of 58.5% in 2013.

Staff at the school have said to reporters that the school is already a different place compared to what inspectors saw in the past and that all staff are determined to continue with the pace of the current improvements over the next few months. The governors have also stated that the aim is to continue with the rapid improvement referenced by OFSTED and to move out of special measures as soon as they can.


The Shawshank Redemption -

What the main character wants - To keep his head down, but to get his sentence out of the way. Innocence

What the main character needs - To fit in and make his time in prison easier.

Triumphant Ending - The main character keeps his head down and out of trouble but manages to fit in with everybody and gets through his sentence well.

Transcendent Ending - He fits in well with everybody but doesn't manage to keep his head down. He gets in a lot of trouble and doesn't get his sentence easily out of the way.

Tragic Ending - He causes a lot of trouble and disruption between guards and other inmates. He does not get on well with anybody and has a lot of issues throughout his sentence.

Existential Ending - He keeps his head down and stays innocent but doesn't fit in with anybody. His sentence is calm but lonely.

My Idea -

What the main character wants - To use his powers to make a difference and prove to himself that he can achieve things.

What the main character needs - Confidence in his ability in all round situations. His confidence will be built throughout the story.

Triumphant Ending - Uses his powers correctly to make a difference whilst also building confidence.

Transcendant Ending - He doesn't make any difference using his powers but builds confidence in the process of using his powers to try and achieve something.

Tragic Ending - He doesn't change anything using his powers and loses all of his confidence in his ability.

Existential Ending - He achieves what he was aiming to do using his powers but he does not have any more confidence in his ability due to other things happening along the journey.

Triumphant Ending - Want and need achieved
Transcendent Ending - Need achieved only
Tragic Ending - Doesn't achieve need or want
Existential Ending - Want achieved only

Sunday 30 March 2014


News just in that there has been a crash near Chelmsford with a light aircraft involved.

(Pause and host looks around as if somebody tells him more information)

It is with regret that we report the death of two men after their light plane nosedived into a field just outside of Chelmsford and burst into flames. We have been told that the plane involved was a YAK 52 and that the plane was only in the air for a short time after taking off from North Weals Airfield, a site close to the crash. Firefighters and emergency serviced have rushed to the scene of the crash but unfortunately they were unable to save the pilot or his passenger from the blaze.

A couple of youngsters that requested that they could not be named saw the plane seconds before it crashed. The witnesses stated that the plane was flying very low when they first saw it and from what they could see it attempted a stunt of some kind. After they saw this, they told reporters at the scene that the plane went out of sight, they heard a popping sound and they did not see the plane again. After this, they spotted smoke emerging from a few hundred yards away where the plane was heading and called emergency services.

The Air Accident Investigation Branch has sent a team to investigate the incident thoroughly. Deepest condolences from all at Cloud News for the families of those lost in the accident.

Monday 24 March 2014

Monster in the House Idea

Title - It's Following Me.
Genre - Thriller/Horror
Cast - Jennifer Lawrence plays Salle (Lead) and Sacha Baron Cohen plays Bobe.

Logline - Innocent widow Salle is living her everyday life when things start to go wrong. Things start to go wrong when her good friend Bobe leaves and has no contact after an argument. Is something following her or is this just a coincidence?

Golden Fleece Example

Title - Escape from the Forest of Death
Genre - Comedy Horror
Cast - A group of teenage friends on a summer holiday in a summer house in the forest.

Logline - On the verge of death, a group of teenage friends have to escape from the forest after their Kayak was destroyed miles downstream during a storm, leaving them stranded. They need to use their survival skills if they want to escape the forest, before it is too late.

Monday 17 March 2014

17/03/14 Exercise 3

Debbie (17, Sarcastic, Trendy) -

Nobody wants you here, get out or ill make it happen.
Ive liked you for a while, do you feel the same?
This film is terrible why would anybody watch it?

Gladys (52, Bored, Educated) -
I would appreciate you exiting the venue immediately.
Ive got something to tell you, lets talk over afternoon tea!
Films are not like they were back in the day!

Barney (5, Cheerful, Confused) -
Oi blud give me back my shovel I know you have it
This grub is top notch

Dale Cooper (35, FBI Agent) -
I know you have my stuff, hand it back before it gets messy.
This food is better than a new tie on a monday.
Yeah I'm confused..

Repetition Edit - Nigel Conversation


SCOTT and DAN are in Scott's house talking about Nigel and the plan to bring the Catacombs to life. 

There is a plan to bring the Catacombs to life. I found out about this when I was talking to my friend Nigel earlier today. 

So what part do you play in this plan?

Scott gets up from his seat and checks that there is nobody around listening to the conversation. He then sits back down and speaks to Dan again.

This is a secret Dan. You can't tell anybody, I trust you. 

You can tell me things Scott, whats wrong?

You might remember a few years ago when I was not at work?

Yeah I didn't have a clue where you were! No contact, nothing! Where were you?

I was running a few tests in a lab with Nigel. One thing led to another in these tests and it turns out that they gave me super powers. 

That is insane, how am I meant to believe you? It makes no sense, is this how you can help with this plan?

Technically yes. With these powers we plan to bring the Catacombs to life, but you don't know about this. You cannot tell anybody, especially Nigel.

Dan looks shocked and doesn't know what to say. He gets up and paces up and down the room in front of Scott.

I want to know more about him.


Nigel, when did you meet him? 

The main reason I was not at work for them few days is because I was at an Armed Forces convention. He was there too, we got talking and had a lot in common. 

So it was there and then that he came up with this plan? Why does he want to do it anyway?

He has the same powers as me. I am the only person that knows. He got these powers from the same tests that he did on me a few years ago. He was serving for the army in Chernobyl and was made to do these tests, from which he gained the powers. He needed help, I could help him, thats how it worked out.

So you had no choice, he has dropped you in at the deep end?! I need to speak to him, this is madness. 

It was my choice. I told you that you don't know about these powers and not to tell Nigel, just leave it.

Scott storms out of the room and leaves Dan with his head in his hands. After a few seconds, Dan walks out after Scott and calls him.

Scott we need to talk more about this come on!

I know how you feel, just leave it like I said!

For my repetition edit I have added some things to a few sentences to inform the reader/viewer of something. I could not change some of the lines because they are vital in getting more information so not all of my lines of dialogue give new information. The dialogue such as short questions like "Who?" cannot be changed because they are needed to get information in the next line. Apart from the few occasions where question could not be changed, the rest of the script gives information on each line.

Re-Written Nigel Conversation


SCOTT and DAN are in Scott's house talking about Nigel and the plan to bring the Catacombs to life. 

There is a plan to bring the Catacombs to life. I found out about this when I was talking to my friend Nigel earlier today. 

So what part do you play in this plan?

Scott gets up from his seat and checks that there is nobody around listening to the conversation. He then sits back down and speaks to Dan again.

This is a secret Dan. You can't tell anybody, I trust you. 

You can tell me things Scott, whats wrong?

You might remember a few years ago when I was not at work?

Where were you?

I was running a few tests in a lab with Nigel. One thing led to another in these tests and it turns out that they gave me super powers. 

That is insane. It makes no sense, is this how you can help with this plan?

Technically yes. With these powers we plan to bring the Catacombs to life, but you don't know about this. You cannot tell anybody, especially Nigel. 

Dan looks shocked and doesn't know what to say. He gets up and paces up and down the room in front of Scott.

I want to know more about him.


Nigel, when did you meet him? 

The main reason I was not at work for them few days is because I was at an Armed Forces convention. He was there too, we got talking and had a lot in common. 

So it was there and then that he came up with this plan? Why does he want to do it anyway?

He has the same powers as me. I am the only person that knows. He got these powers from the same tests that he did on me a few years ago. He was serving for the army in Chernobyl and was made to do these tests, from which he gained the powers. He needed help, I could help him, thats how it worked out.

So you had no choice, he has dropped you in at the deep end?! I need to speak to him, this is madness. 

It was my choice. I told you that you don't know about these powers and not to tell Nigel, just leave it.

Scott storms out of the room and leaves Dan with his head in his hands. After a few seconds, Dan walks out after Scott and calls him.

Scott we need to talk more about this come on!

I know how you feel, just leave it like I said!

Feedback from peers about the change of Dialogue in both versions of this script - 

Both the scripts are different. I do not prefer one over the other. I like them both but different parts in each script. 

The way that you have changed these scripts is very good the newer conversation is more Superheroed.... Its now a word!!! 

This is a very thorough piece, you have gone into more detail and extended your dialogue. I enjoyed reading the second script more because it set the scenes more. 

USE Celtex
Good improvement on the rewrite. 
Sentences are really long, i would shorten them to make them more realistic. 

Myself - 
In my opinion, the majority of the changes work well but some of them could be adjusted a bit more because they are too much like the original. 

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Sams Lesson 11/3/14

Ownership -

Vertical Ownership - All stages of production are kept within the company (Big Companies)
Horizontal Ownership - Production is split between several companies (Small Companies)

The bigger companies can afford vertical ownership on their films because they can have the writers, producers, editors and professionals from all aspects involved with the making.

Smaller companies either cannot afford or do not have all professional people needed to make a film on their own. They might write it then a different company might edit and a different company may distribute.

Both forms of ownership have their benefits. For example, if you were involved in Horizontal ownership, you would have more views on whether or not the product is as effective as it could be. For example if the film goes through 3 companies, you will have 3 different points of view and errors could be picked up as well as improvements made along the line. This would not work as effectively for Vertical ownership, there would be the view of one company only and this could cause errors that are not picked up. A con of Horizontal ownership could be the communication between the companies. For Vertical ownership, there will be no communication problems for Vertical ownership because only one company is involved.

Funding -

Public and Private funding.
TV and Film have many revenue streams.
- License Fee
- Subscriptions
- Pay per view
- Sponsorship
- Advertising
- Product Placement
- Merchandising
- Private Capital

Key Considerations -

Consider the size of each company and how their content is distributed to the audience
Are they vertically or horizontally integrated?
What audience share do they have?
What is the average budget give to the productions?

VT Insert Links

Monday 3 March 2014

Nigel Conversation

This conversation is between Scott and Dan. Scott is a close friend of Nigel and is involved in the plan to bring the Catacombs to life. Dan is a very close, life-long friend of Scott and Scott has a lot of trust in Dan.


SCOTT and DAN are in Scott's home talking about Nigel and the plan to bring the Catacombs to life. 

So earlier today, my friend Nigel told me this incredible plan to bring the Catacombs to life.

How exactly does this involve you?

Scott gets up from his seat and checks that there is nobody around listening to the conversation. He then sits back down and speaks to Dan again.

I trust you Dan. You cannot tell anybody what I am about to tell you. Do you understand?

What is it Scott?

Well basically, a few years ago, do you remember when I had that time off work?


I was in a lab with Nigel. We ran some tests and from these tests  I have gained special powers.

So this is how you are involved in this plan?

Yes. But you can't tell anybody that you know this, especially not Nigel.

Dan looks shocked and doesn't know what to say. He gets up and paces up and down the room in front of Scott.

Tell me about him.


Nigel. How do you know him?

It was a few years ago at the Armed Forces convention I went to. He is ex-armed forces. We got talking and we just got along like a house on fire. 

But why is he involved in this plan? What does he want from you?

He has these powers too. Nobody knows apart from me. He got them from the same experiment I got them from but in Chernobyl in his time in the Armed Forces. He wanted to test if it was that experiment that gave him the powers and I agreed to help him.

So he has dragged you into this? I want to meet him and talk about this!

Just leave it, it's my decision!

Scott storms out of the room and leaves Dan with his head in his hands. After a few seconds, Dan walks out after Scott and calls him.

Scott! Come on lets talk about this.

You've made it clear. Leave me alone.