Monday 27 January 2014

Pre-Credit Sequence (Without Dialogue)

INT. underground tunnel in the catacombs

NIGEL and SCOTT are running down a dark tunnel in the Catacombs. They are being chased by skeletons with small animals such as mice and spiders all around, blocking their way.

As Nigel and Scott start to panic, Nigel turns his body slightly and points to the group of Skeletons. The way he was pointing was as if he was trying to use a special ability or power. Nothing happens and the pair carry on running.

Nigel trips over a rock on the floor and loses his balance, Scott then helps him up as they keep running away from the Skeletons. Nigel is getting tired and cannot run for much longer.

Nigel and Scott use their last bit of energy as the slightly get ahead of the group of Skeletons and Scott pulls Nigel into a dark corridor.

The group of Skeletons do not see the pair go in to the corridor and they carry on running in the same direction, past the dark corridor.

Nigel and Scott are regaining their breath in the dark corridor when suddenly, a dark figure starts running at them from a distance. The pair panic and Scott lifts up his arm to try and stop the mysterious figure from reaching them. A wall rises out of the ground in front of Scott and traps Nigel and Scott in the corridor.

Nigel and Scott relax as they are safe from any danger. For now.

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