Friday 13 December 2013

Shooting Script

For my music video, shooting will take place across 2 days.

Day 1 - For the first day of filming, I will get clips in and around my house to signify the start of the journey and these will be scenes in fairly dark lighting. I will record footage for around the first 30 seconds of my music video. I will film only shots of the person in the video during this part of filming. I will mainly be shooting medium shots and long shots to show both where the person is moving, some of their surroundings and close-ups to show the lyrical side of the music video.

Day 2 - On day 2, the majority of my clips will be filmed. I will take the camera over to a nearby public area and film the main parts of my music video in bright daylight. This footage will be used for the remainder of the music video. The clips that I will film will be a mixture of shots of nearby surroundings as well as the main person in the music video. On day 2, I will get a lot of medium close-ups and long shots to show both emotion, the performer singing and also shots of the scenery.

The only equipment that I will be using is a Sony Z5 camera.

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