Tuesday 17 September 2013

Script for Horror Film - 17th September 2013

INT. Abandoned School 

The Main Hall is silent and wrecked

The camera looks through the main doors of the hall and sees STEVE. He looks lost and confused. STEVE is in his mid twenties and looks like he has been lost for a while. His clothes are torn and he looks like he does not care about himself. 


Where am I? Is anybody there?

STEVE continues to call for help. Nobody is around. The silence is eerie. Suddenly, there are footsteps. They get gradually louder.



The footsteps continue to get louder and sound like they are getting closer. 


Who is there? You are starting to creep me out now.

STEVE makes his way out of the main doors slowly and cautiously, away from the footsteps. A MYSTERY FIGURE starts talking from the distance, he cannot be seen from where he is. The MYSTERY FIGURE is tall and can only be seen as a silhouette, you can tell that he has a weapon in his hand.


We are here to punish you.


I don't understand, who are you?


That doesn't matter, follow the light.

In front of STEVE there is a bright light. He walks slowly towards the light and gradually moves closer to the source. STEVE then meets the source of the light, there is nothing. 


EXT. Abandoned School Car Park

In the car park is a few rusty, ruined cars and many holes in the ground. The car park has not been used for a while due to the state of the ground, the moss and weeds growing around the edge and the rusty padlocked gates. 


We are still following you, you wont be able to escape.


What is this? Why do you want me?


You have betrayed me and my family, you will pay for what you have done! You will be kept prisoner here and if you try and escape, you will just be punished even more.

STEVE is confused and wants to escape but there is no way out. STEVE falls to his knees and screams for help. Nobody is there to hear him in the abandoned surroundings. 

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